Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Austenland by Shannon Hale

Since I have yet to review anything but classic novels, I thought it high time that I read and discussed one of my favorites:


Probably because I am one of the world's foremost Jane Austen nuts, I absolutely love, love, love, love this novel. It is hilarious and I read it at least once a year. It is just a jolly good time. Quite, quite. 

What Happens:

Jane Hayes is an average 30-ish woman who lives in New York, who has ruined just about every relationship she has ever been in. Subsequently, she is obsessed with Jane Austen novels, and even more so with the BBC version of Pride & Prejudice (you know, the one with Colin Firth and those great sideburns). Well on a random visit from her great aunt (who soon after kicks the bucket), the aunt discovers this obsession and in her will leaves Jane a vacation to Pembrook Park: an Austen-era reenactment  estate. So off Jane goes to England for one last hoorah before she kicks the Darcy obsession in the bud and settles as a confirmed spinster. 

And that's that. I certainly wish I had a wealthy great aunt to send me to Pembrook Park...I am trying to give up my Darcy fantasies as well...maybe...I could try...


Rating: 4/5


  1. Great review! :) Haha I love this book!

  2. Remember to read "Midnight in Austenland" once you're done with this one!
