Thursday, January 17, 2013


For my first official post/recommendation I thought about doing a whole spiel on the great piece of literature I’m been working on, BUT I realize that teen fiction is the gateway drug to hard literature soooo I’m going to smack you with the best new teen fiction to hit the bookshelves…and we’ll get to the other stuff later.


My co-worker lent me her copy during the summer and I fell in love. Since that moment I have been recommending it to anyone who will listen. I even recently bought this for my sister-in-law/best friend Candace for Christmas and she stayed up all night to finish it. If an already sleep deprived mother would give up that kind of time you have to know it’s amazing.

Here’s the breakdown.

Beatrice Prior is living in a dystopian society divided into five factions each dedicated to a particular virtue: Candor (honesty), Abnegation (selflessness), Dauntless (bravery), Amity (peaceful), and Erudite (intelligence). Every year the teens turning 16 must choose a faction to pledge their life and loyalty to. For Beatrice staying within her families’ faction is not an easy option and her final choice shocks both her family and the community. Now her life is filled with intense trials that test her endurance and willpower. But within this new-found life she is surrounded by would-be-enemies and an unexpected romance. 

But this life is threatened by a secret Tris has been holding close. A secret that can mean either death for her and possible destruction to the only society she’s ever known, or it could be the only salvation for those she loves. 

Honestly, this is one of those books that you will end up recommending to everyone so just read it already.

Rating: 4/5


P.S. After you read it go to this site and take the quiz to see which faction you would be in. 

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